Umsatz rehau
Umsatz rehau

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Kritik an dieser Art von Forschung, die Trends zum Gegens-tand hat, wird zum einen hinsichtlich ihrer Wis-senschaftlichkeit, zum anderen im Hinblick auf ihr Innovationspotential geübt. Trend-forschung lässt sich einem ersten Zugriff nach zwischen Marktforschung einerseits und Zukunfts-forschung andererseits verorten. Zusammenfassung: Den Methoden der Trend-forschung – nicht nur im engen Wortsinne der Techniken der Datenerhebung und Datenaus-wertung, sondern im (diese implizierenden) wei-ten Verstande der Logik der Wissensproduktion in dieser umstrittenen Branche – gilt das Inte-resse eines geplanten Forschungsvorhabens, das in diesem Beitrag vorgestellt wird. Specifically, 50 documents from SCOPUS over a ten-year timespan between 20 were systematically reviewed, and each performing step was followed properly in accordance with systematic mapping study. Moreover, the study highlights adopted data mining methods and types of data sources. Hence, this paper intends to give a review of TTAF data mining methods and shortages by surveying and constructing challenging problems, research and resolving approaches. Numerous methods of emerging technology trend analysis and forecast (TTAF) have been proposed however, no study described data mining methods’ review of this research area in a systematic and structured procedure. Similarly, it is necessary for a firm to establish a technology development strategy through emerging technology forecast to gain a competitive edge while utilizing limited resources. To stay competitive in an environment of rapidly changing science, it is important to monitor the development of existing technology and to discover new and promising technologies. A case study of global polymer solutions supplier REHAU AG demonstrates the use of the methodology in practice. In addition, the presented approach includes a visualization of the trends and its assessment for decision support. The trend assessment is carried out inter alia on methods of crowd sourcing, resulting in an extensive evaluation basis. In this paper, trend management processes are introduced and demonstrated how trends can be collected, structured and communicated within the enterprise using a customized wiki. Web 2.0 technologies and especially Wikis, which allow several people to maintain and use content simultaneously, are eminently suitable for an efficient process of continuous collection and analysis of relevant market trends. A particular challenge is the systematic identification, gathering, structuration and evaluation of trends. Through early trend recognition in the business environment and specific processing within the innovation management, companies can achieve long-term market success.

Umsatz rehau